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The fish distribution centre of Grupo Puerto de Celeiro occupies a surface area of 40,000 m2 and has a maximum unloading, auctioning and handling capacity of 75 tons per day.

These facilities have been equipped with the most modern technology and designed in accordance with the health regulations and the European legislation related to the sale of fishery products.

Through this project, Grupo Puerto de Celeiro aims to respond to changes taking place in the sale of fishery products and anticipate market demands.


Puerto de Celeiro fish market has its own cold room, ice supply, maintenance and containers services. They are all available to companies who take part in the market activities, and businesses outside the port that require them.

Cold Room Service

> Tel.: +34 600 968 276

Ice Supply

> Tel.:  +34 600 968 362

Maintenance Service

> Tel.: +34 600 968 274

Containers Service

> Tel.: +34 600 968 273


  • Shoreline Trawling: Starts at 6 am. Two auctioneers are in charge of sales. One is dedicated to the main species: whiting, megrim, angler fish, black-bellied angler, turbot, sole, etc. and the other to varied species: poor cod, giant squid, octopus, conger eel, etc. The auction is simultaneous, i.e., the main and varied species are sold at the same time.
  • Shallow water fishing: The auction starts at 6 am at the same time as the shoreline trawling sale. There is the option of organising three auctions at the same time in the same market: varied shoreline trawling, main shoreline trawling and shallow water fishing. In the event that there is swordfish, white tune, black-bellied angler or purse-seine fishing, the shallow water fishing sales are organised afterwards.
  • Purse-seine: The boats go out to fish at 6 pm and return at dawn, at 7, 8 or 9 in the morning. If they catch fish to sell during the day, they contact the sellers and these inform the buyers in order to organise the auction. In this type of fishing, the fish are auctioned as soon as they are caught and there is no set time.
  • Swordfish, white tune and black-bellied angler: The auction starts at 6 am, along with the shoreline trawling.
  • Gran Sol trawler fishing grounds: This starts after the shoreline trawling sale. One auctioneer sells the whiting fish and another the angler fish, black-bellied angler, megrim, etc. and a third the varied species: ling, tadpole fish, poor cod, conger eel, etc. So three simultaneous auctions are organised in that market. As soon as the auctions end, one of the varied fish sellers starts the sale of whiting starting with the largest.
  • Line and gillnet fishing: The system is similar to the one used to sell the Gran Sol fish. In other words, the simultaneous auction of varied fish and hake. After the varied auction fish, the auctioneer starts the sale of hake starting with the largest.
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