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A geopolitical environment marked by instability and uncertainty, increasing costs, inflation, European decisions with a clear environmentalist drift, the lack of generational change, and the increasingly worrying decline in fish consumption are affecting competitiveness and profitability of fishing companies.

This decline in competitive capacity, and lower profits as a result of these and other factors, has once again tested our resilience. We have placed a lot of emphasis on differentiating our product, strengthening ties with our customers and reaching new and potential buyers and consumers. We have also opted to value the profession.

Total Volume Tons
Hake Tons
Millions of Euros
Millions € Hake

In 2023, a total of 12,769 tons of fishing products worth 47.03 million euros were auctioned at the Puerto de Celeiro fish market.

Compared to 2022, in which the volume marketed in first sale was 13,936 tons, there was a decrease of 8.37%. In terms of value, there was also a decrease, although smaller, of 3.78%; going from 48.88 million euros in 2022 to 47.03 million in 2023. Regarding 2022, the average price increased by 4.84%; from €3.51/kg to €3.68/kg.



With a total of 9,674.56 tons sold, our main product, hake, gained weight compared to other species, accounting for 75.77% of the total auctioned.

Hake also gained weight in terms of the total value of what was auctioned at the fish market. With 41.02 million euros, the turnover from the sale of hake alone went from representing 85.06% in 2022 to 87.21% in 2023.

Main Species Sold by Vale

Hake 87,21%
Blue Whiting 1.44%
Longfin Tuna 1,30%
Mackerel 1,29%
Sardine 1,09%

Main Special Sold by Volume

Hake 75,77%
Blue Whiting 8,21%
Sardine 4,17%
Mackerel 3,65%
Longfin Tuna 1,06%

After the hake, and due to the importance of the auctioned volume, are the blue whiting, with 1.05 tons (8.21% of the total sold in the fisher market); sardine, with 533 tons (4.17% of the total); mackerel, with 446 tons (3.67%) and longfin tuna with 135 tons (1.06%). Hake and blue whiting also occupy the top positions in terms of value. The hake recorded a first sale value of 41.02 million euros (87.12% of the total). And now, far behind, the blue whiting, with 667033 euros (1.44% of the total). With values ​​similar to the blue whiting, are the next two most relevant species in terms of turnover: the longfin tuna, with a first sale value of 612293 euros, and the mackerel with 608364 euros.

Regarding the average prices recorded in 2023 for the four species with the highest turnover in the fisher market, in the case of hake it was 4.24 euros/kilo (€4.20/kg in 2022), for blue whiting €0.65/kg (€0.80/kg in 2022) ; for longfin tuna at €4.52/kg (€4.44/kg in 2022); and for mackerel €1.30/kg (€1.69/kg in 2022).



Second species in volume and value

With a total of 677,832.88 euros, the blue whiting was in 2023 the second most important species in value of all those auctioned at the Puerto de Celeiro fisher market and also the second in volume auctioned with 1,048.38 tons. Compared to 2022, this represented decreases of 27.01% in value and 10.26% in volume. The average price thus decreased by 18.75% (from €0.80/kg in 2022 to €0.65/kg in 2023).

Blue Whiting Tons
Invoiced for Blue Whiting


Third in value and fifth in volume

The longfin tuna, after the hake and the blue whiting, was the species that recorded the best results in the auction in terms of value at first sale, with a total of 612,292.88 euros. In terms of volume, with 135.43 tons it occupied fifth position after hake, blue whiting, sardine and mackerel. Compared to the year 2022, the auctioned volume of the species decreased by 32.81%, and turnover by 31.56. The price went from €8.50/kg in 2022 to €4.52/kg in 2023 (-46.82%).

Longfin Tuna Tons
Invoiced for Longfin Tuna


Fourth species in value and volume

In 2023, mackerel was ranked fourth species both in value and volume auctioned at the Puerto de Celeiro fish market. The data for this species were: 466.62 tons landed sold for a value of 608364.48 euros. This implies, with respect to 2022, decreases of 141.71% in volume and 54.89% in value. Regarding the average price, it went from €1.68/kg in 2022 to €1.30/kg in 2023.

Mackerel Tons
Invoiced for Mackerel


Increase of 282%

In 2023, sardine sales in Puerto de Celeiro increased by 282% in volume (going from 139.4 tons in 2022 to 532.5 tons in 2023) and 194% in value (from 174,384.51 euros to 512,836, 35 euros). The average price for this species in 2023 was €0.96/kg.

Sardine Tons
Invoiced for Sardine
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