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Since it was first established in 1994, the business objective of Puerto de Celeiro, S.A. has been to guarantee the competitiveness of local fishing fleets based in its main port, applying an integrated business management philosophy focused on ensuring the stability of its economic activity.

Through the ORDER of 30 January 2014, published on 10 February 2014, the Regional Government of Galicia has recognised Puerto de Celeiro, S.A. as an organisation of off-shore and deep-sea fishing pursuant to the new CFP and COM.


Puerto de Celeiro, S.A.’s philosophy is expressed in the following activities and services:

  • A complete offering of services for fishing companies that operate in this port, including the chartering of vessels.
  • Private investment in port infrastructures in accordance with the management policy, which aims to preserve product quality across the entire chain: its distribution centre (Market) in which all the areas are air-conditioned, with an overall layout designed to rationalise operations and preserve the quality of the fishery products through the digitalisation of auctions and management. The refrigerated complex adjoining the Market (1,877 m2) has a tunnel freezer (206 m3), three cold rooms with a temperature of -25º C (8,193 m3), a chilling room with a temperature of 4º C and a room with a regulation tank for molluscs and shellfish.
  • Investment in the development of activities to add value to and differentiate fishery products in the market provided by the Celeiro fleet: recognition of the excellence of the product by means of the “Galicia Calidade” mark and the “Calidad Tradición Carrefour” mark.
  • Activation and execution of investment in the permanent renovation of the fleet and the acquisition of Fishing Rights in non-Spanish Community Waters.
  • Maintaining of investment in continuous training for all professional groups that operate in the port in close collaboration with the ‘Santiago Apostol’ Fishermen’s Guild and the ‘Vicente Gradaille’ Training Centre based in Celeiro.
  • Consolidation of the commitment to promote the practising of feasible, sustainable fishing activities.
  • Improvement of the conditions for the market launch of fishery products marketed by PUERTO DE CELEIRO, S.A.
  • Increase in the economic profitability of the ship-owners who operate with the company.
  • Activities to stabilise the markets of fishery products.
  • Contribution to supplying food and promoting strict quality and food safety standards.
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